De Witte Os focuses on health and vitality and is specialized in acupuncture and Tui Na massage, who are both part of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is more than 3,000 years old. It is a holistic, unique and total system that has its origins in the ancient Chinese philosophy of nature. The ancient Chinese masters looked at nature to understand the human condition. In many ancient texts, medical principles are therefore clarified poetically and made understandable on the basis of comparisons with everyday natural phenomena.
TCM offers a unique view of people and their environment. Unlike in the west, the orientation of the TCM is focused on health and not on the complaint that must be healed. Health is the normal, natural state of a person. A complaint arises when the balance is disturbed. The goal of treatment according to the TCM is the restoration of the natural balance. Its age-old diagnostic methods and holistic approach make it extremely suitable not only for diagnosing and treating “old” diseases, but also for many contemporary lifestyle diseases.